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Economic of Kalimantan Barat in Fourth Quarter 2019 Grew 4,66 Percent compared to the fourth quarter of the previous year

Economic of Kalimantan Barat in Fourth Quarter 2019 Grew 4,66 Percent compared to the fourth quarter of the previous year

Economic of Kalimantan Barat in Fourth Quarter 2019 Grew 4,66 Percent compared to the fourth quarter of the previous yearDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 5, 2020
File Size : 3.24 MB


The economy of Kalimantan Barat in quarter IV-2019 measured by Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at current prices reached 55,857.57 billion Rupiahs and at Constant Market Price reached 35,452.93 billion Rupiahs.
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